New adventure! Core SR5 rulebook back in print! All sorts of fun to be had!

We’ve heard that some players have had trouble finding the Shadowrun, Fifth Edition core book recently, and we’re happy to announce that the drought should be over. The latest printing of SR5 is appearing in stores all over the place, and you have four new covers to choose from. What do those covers look like? I’m so happy you asked. Here they are!

Some new errata has been included in this book–here’s a link to the changes. And if you like the new covers, we have word that some new wallpapers might be in the works–stay tuned!

But that’s not all the news! A wild new adventure called Toxic Alleys has been released electronically (Catalyst shop, DriveThruRPG), and it has plenty of challenges for all sorts of shadowrunner teams. Here’s a little plot info for you:


In any given sprawl, there are a few million people who hate a few million other people in an endless cycle of grudges and hostility. What keeps the peace is that most of the people lack the power to do anything about their anger, so a status quo of simmering tension is maintained. Problem is, if some of the angry parties got their hands on enough power of any kind, those simmering tensions would explode. DeeCee, the UCAS capital, is full of all kinds of power, and enough factions are grabbing for it that the prospect of open fighting or worse is growing.

This is especially worrisome since some of the factions have nothing on their mind other than utter destruction. The law firm of Stark, Theissen, and Van Der Mar is making too much money from the status quo to want it to change, and they’re about to discover that shadowrunners might be the only thing that can stop the advancing secret plots from plunging the sprawl into complete disaster.

Toxic Alleys is a complete adventure for use with Shadowrun, Fifth Edition. While it draws on existing plot lines, it stands on its own and can be enjoyed by any team of runners looking for a challenge.

So there you go! Have fun! Play Shadowrun!

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