The entire world is struggling with the ramifications of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Family and friends who may be sick. Struggling businesses. Self-isolation. On behalf of everyone at Catalyst Game Labs, our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by the outbreak.
As a virtual company Catalyst continues to operate fairly normally. We have game lines requiring our ongoing attention, and at some point (we assume) life will return to something approaching normal. Still, we encourage our employees and our fans out there to practice extreme safety measures. Follow the ongoing advice of health care professionals. Try to socially distance yourselves as much as is practical.
We understand that gamers are social creatures, so this will be hard for us; dealing with the closing of our favorite conventions and our local game stores who may also be self-isolating. Everyone at Catalyst is saddened that we may miss seeing so many friends this year.
At this time, we are anticipating and preparing for a delay of several weeks to the production, shipment, and distribution of our products, for regular release and for the BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter. We are exploring alternative options to mitigate delays, including domestic U.S. printing. We will keep you updated as we learn more from our production and shipping vendors.
While there may not be much we can do from a health care perspective, Catalyst will be offering a 20% discount store-wide on our online store, with an additional 20% discount on non-BattleTech, non-Shadowrun products, for the next month to encourage our fans to stay home. Catch up on the latest BattleTech novel. Complete your Shadowrun RPG collection. If your family is healthy, maybe try a new boardgame.
(Note: the 20% discount for non-BattleTech, non-Shadowrun products is shown in the store listings; the blanket 20% discount will be applied to all items once they’re in your cart.)
If our FLGS friends have any ideas on how we can help them in this trying time, reach out to us and let us know.
It doesn’t feel like much, but they say every little bit helps.
Be safe, and we look forward to seeing everyone on the other side of this world tragedy.
Loren & Heather Coleman